Eren Tales is a collaboration between children's author Simon P. Clark and photographer Brandon Rechten, bringing you twelve short stories, and twelve works of art, all inspired by Simon's debut novel, Eren.
Through these stories you can explore Eren's world, get a sneak peak at Simon's writing, and get ready to answer the biggest question of all: Who - or what - is Eren?
Eren is available now from Atom, an imprint of Little, Brown and Company.
Simon P. Clark is a British children's author living and working in the UK after several years abroad. His debut novel, Eren, was published in September 2014 by Little, Brown, and will be published in the US by St Martins Press. Simon has lived in Japan and New Jersey, USA. He likes reading (of course), baked goods, and thinks you're brilliant
Brandon Rechten's photographic interests lie primarily in urban decay and the remnants that people leave behind. His initial interest in this subject grew from exploring an abandoned furniture warehouse in his hometown that had been closed due to arson.
Brandon works as a graphic designer and freelance photographer.